5 Things to keep in mind while choosing Digital Meetings Solutions

Sep 23, 2024

Offline board meetings sound like a frantic company secretary typing in a room full of sulking directors, who are ready to sign an attendance register and leave. A successful boardroom meeting requires more than what meets the eye–especially without the aid of technology. However, for those who want to try new methodologies to get a suitable digital board meeting-based solution, here are five things you should keep in mind while choosing:

  1. Is the solution really end to end?
    The digital board meeting solution essentially needs to digitize the whole pre & post documentation process — from collaboration, agenda management, document edits, approvals, voting to minutes management. The integrated collaboration feature of digital meeting software makes in-meeting collaboration easier, promoting smooth collaboration among directors. When you collaborate in the cloud using the board gateway, you can see everyone’s comments as they make it. It allows for some crucial administrative tasks and adjustments before the start of the meeting, thus saving time during the event.
  2. Find the perfect match for your organizations need.
    An effective digital board meeting solution blends in with your business needs and goals. You need to ensure that the solution allows customization and seamless integration of your resources and tools.
  3. Who developed it? Do they provide last-mile support?
    An effective digital board meeting solution must provide adequate technological support. It should allow the attendance of directors seamlessly as well as provide last-mile support. It should also ensure that the board meeting solution is accessible from any part of the world.
  4. Hear it from their actual customers
    The clientele and customer reviews decide the success of your board meeting solution. The solution, if accessible, and proves to be of utility to all, will garner positive feedback, which then increases the value and quality of the solution.
  5. Scalability & Security of the solution
    The security of a board meeting software solution is always a priority. To begin with, double-check the permission options of every gateway that you might use. This should tell you how strong their encryption is and which global standards they follow. When transmitting sensitive information through a portal, the more secure it is, the more confident you can be. Also, a digital board meeting solution must be scalable. Within the portal, exchanging and editing calendars should be easily available. This would allow you to keep track of who all is available for the meeting.